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Research Projects

Studying Glioblastoma and neurons interaction using advanced in vitro models

Project Leader(s): Pierre-Olivier Strale


Glioblastomas (GBM), grade IV malignant gliomas, are one of the deadliest types of human cancer, due to aggressive characteristics. It has been shown that the GBM cells invade the peritumoral space via different routes, our main interest is the route along white matter tracts. The interactions of tumor cells with the peritumoral nervous parenchyma are not well characterized. In collaboration with Thomas Daubon (UMR5095 CNRS, IBGC, Bordeaux, France), we develop methods to recapitulate in vitro the features observed in vivo in order to evaluate the impact of neurons on GBM cell invasive properties. To do so, we use micropatterning approaches to grow neurons and GBM cells under well-defined conditions, live cell-imaging and analysis software.



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